
ProgramSource FileDescription

Read in the inital distribution from a SRIM file convert the depth coordinates in x from angstroms to cm convert the ion deposition source from atoms/cm^3 / atoms/cm^2 to just atoms/cm^3 by multiplying by the fluence Create a mesh The source term never changes, so we can calculate this only once now we can go through the time steps


Read in the inital distribution from a SRIM file convert the depth coordinates in x from angstroms to cm convert the ion deposition source from atoms/cm^3 / atoms/cm^2 to just atoms/cm^3 by multiplying by the fluence Create a mesh Lets actually create a stiffness matrix, dissipation matrix, source term, history term, and forcing term The source term never changes, so we can calculate this only once The dissipation matrix and history dissipation matrix never change, so we can calculate this only once now we can go through the time steps initialize all of the matices and vectors to zero construct the first term of the forcing element Loop through the mesh elements and construct the terms find the mesh spacing now we can create the stiffness matrix Then, solve the matrix and print the solution