Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award

Oct 18, 2017

In early summer, I received word that I’d received a 2017 Innovation in Nuclear Technology R&D award for “Students Attending Universities with Less than $600 Million in 2015 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures”. While that’s a mouthful, it was really flattering to be chosen for the award - given by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. The award material is really similar to my ANS Young Member’s Group Award, titled Detection of Special Nuclear Material in Cargo using Continuous Neutron Interrogation and Tension Metastable Fluid Detectors, so I’m not going to expound on it here. I’m grateful to the DoE and my coauthors (Dr. Rusi Taleyarkhan and Dr. Brian Archambault) for this award.

Recognition of my award from Purdue's School of Nuclear Engineering